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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kenton Cool - set to take an Olympic medal to the top of Mount Everest

British Mountain guide Kenton Cool talking to BBC about his plan to fulfill the pledge made by Edward Lisle Strutt to leave an Olympic medal on the summit of Everest.

He is set to take an Olympic medal to the top of Mount Everest to try and fulfill a 1924 pledge after an earlier fatal attempt to reach the peak.

"Fulfilling the pledge has become very close to my heart," Mr Cool said.

Mr. Kenton and the group reached near the summit of Mt. Everest but within 500 metres of the top. They failed three times to complete the final stretch. Disaster struck on the way down when an avalanche killed seven Indian members of the party.

A century after the first full Everest expedition, Kenton Cool is taking an Olympic medal awarded to one of its members to the summit.

Mt.Kenton is taking the medal, belonging to Arthur Wakefield, a medic on a 1922 expedition, on the six-week trip.

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